Our goal is to create a corporate environment and maintain a future vision that is consistent with the professional and personal ambitions of our employees, thus promoting the adequate involvement and creating a responsible and innovative atmosphere.

Market-orientation, up to date knowledge, dynamism and competence characterize the current strategy of Lavet.

Daily contact with animal keepers and veterinarians is essential in order to maintain flexible and innovative market behaviour. During development work the latest scientific results and technological progress are monitored and utilized.

We constantly follow and apply the latest scientific and technological developments in production and development activities.


Lavet Pharmaceuticals Ltd plays a key role in the veterinary market both in Hungary and Europe.

We believe that our responsible behaviour, philosophy and future vision are to guarantee that LAVET maintains its decisive role in the future veterinary market.

Since our company operates in a market where a high-level quality, innovative organizational and product development attitude is essential, therefore flexibility and teamwork characterize our daily activities

Our company wants to provide the best in all areas for the sake of animal health, especially focusing on the following areas.


Since our company operates in a market where a high level of quality and an innovative organizational and product development attitude is essential, therefore flexibility and teamwork characterize our daily activities. Our goal is to create a network of international relations, which is based on mutual trust and quality. We constantly follow and apply the latest scientific and technological developments and we regard the opinion of our partners.

Drug Safety

Our company put a great emphasis on the safety of our products regarding the animals, the users or consumers of edible products of treated animals and the environment, as well. We aim to assure the safest conditions for manufacture, distribution and use of our products. In order to ensure the high-standard welfare of animals we regularly monitor the side effects of our products and conduct researches in accordance with the corresponding legislation.

Sustainable development

Our priorities include the protection  of both the animal and human health as well as the environment. We consider people, the quality of life as well as nature, wildlife and natural resources as the part of environment.  We strive to reduce to zero the emission of chemicals and waste materials which may cause pollution. Best techniques are used to keep the potentially harmful chemicals well under the approved limits.


Recognising the importance of research and development, we cooperate with our partners and the University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest in order to utilize the decades of experience, competence and up-to-date professional knowledge in our products.

Quality policy

We strive to see that our clients receive creative, effective and innovative products and services that reflect the high professional and ethical standards.